Kafa (enough) Violence and Exploitation
in partnership with OXFAM GB
Under the UNIFEM Trust Fund of Ending Violence Against Women
is seeking to recruit
Consultant for developing a TOT manual on:
“Strategies and Approaches of working with men and boys for Ending Violence Against Women in the Arab World”
With the financial support of UNIFEM-Jordan, KAFA (enough) Violence and Exploitation partnered with OXFAM GB in a project under the UN TRUST FUND aiming at reducing the incidence of DV in the Middle East by promoting approaches and strategies for working with men and boys.
The project’s key strategy is to demonstrate models of working with men in Lebanon and then actively promote the learning regionally to other countries in the Middle East.
Within this context, KAFA is seeking to employ a consultant to mainly develop, test and finalize a TOTs manual for the Arab region on “approaches and strategies of working with men and boys in the Arab World”.
Main Responsibilities include:
· Review existing manuals on gender work with men from Oxfam GB partners and other organizations globally
· Review case studies presented at Cairo Conference organized by OXFAM GB in April 2008.
· Work in consultation with the Project Coordinator and Oxfam GB and the Project Steering Committee’s members on the content of the manual
· Attend related workshop
· Consult with relevant women Organization in the region on the draft content of the manual and with training institutes.
· Consult the second draft with the Project Steering Committee’s members
· Attend and/or facilitate 3 days testing workshop on the manual
· Consult final content with training institutes
· Finalize the manual and deliver it to KAFA (two hard copies and 2 soft copies on CDs)
Required qualifications:
The criteria of selecting the consultant is identified jointly by Oxfam GB and KAFA primarily including previous involvement and expertise of the consultant in EVAW and TOT manual development. The specific qualifications and experiences are as follows:
· Strong background and expertise in Gender and Violence Against Women issues
· Strong Analytical and writing skills
· Strong Arabic and English writing skills
· Computer literate
· Strong experience in training and manual’s development
· Capable of working with a team
· Committed to deadlines
The duration of the entire consultancy is for 6 months starting from the date of the signature of the contract
Please refer to the attached TOR for additional information.
Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their CV and a letter of motivation to the attention of Ms. Ghida Anani- Project Coordinator at ghida.anani@kafa.org.lb by Monday- March 2, 2009 at 4.00 pm.
Sharing relevant similar previous work is a plus. It can be send via mail: P.O.Box nb. 116/5042 Beirut- Lebanon or delivered by hand along with the CV and the motivation letter to KAFA center: 43 Badaro Street, Beydound Bldg., 1st Floor.
Phone calls for clarifications are accepted: +961 1 392220 /1 - +961 3 10 17 15
KAFA will be contacting potential candidates for an interview.